We have many Sponsorship opportunities available and we are reaching out to the elite front runners in the Industry to enable us to realize our goal. C.A.SA. is an avenue to support The Carl McCain Memorial Foundation and Alzheimer's Association San Antonio & South Texas Chapter. The Industry taking care of Its Own.
C.A.SA. Sponsorship Packages offer the Industry’s Elite the opportunity to gain exposure as outstanding members and supporters of our Industry. Please consider Sponsorship at one of the levels listed on the Registration Page – your support is invaluable and is wholeheartedly appreciated! Please also see Sponsors page.
C.A.SA. is looking for Company Sponsored items for Raffle and or Auction and will have your Company Sign Recognition per item donated along with Banner Sponsor recognition.
If you are donating Raffle Items or Swag Bag items, please mail the items to:
Donna Brinson Cook
241 Stirrup St.
Pipe Creek, Texas 78063
713-899-4073 Cell
Thank you for your support, it is wholeheartedly appreciated and enables the INDUSTRY TO TAKE CARE OF ITS OWN!
ALL the profit from this event will be directly contributed to the Carl McCain Memorial Foundation and the Alzheimer's Association San Antonio & South Texas Chapter, your donation to this event is tax deductible. C.A.S.A is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization EIN 35-2559950.
"Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver."